Articles on Education Indonesia
Indonesian education begun considered by the government, the government has seriously address the issue of education in Indonesia. Proven than 20% of the budget intended for the benefit of education. We should offer our praise and thanks to God Almighty for it.
Nowadays education in several regions in Indonesia have menjalangkan free education. This had a positive impact, especially for people who have low levels of the economy. They can already taste the world of education once for each person is considered expensive and the phenomenon and paradigm that education belongs only to the rich, the poor are prohibited from school.
Education in Indonesia is a polimik that will not go out. Currently, many agencies are satirical and question "Do welfare provided by the government in the field of education is directly proportional to the expected results?".
For educators who meet the qualifications awarded in the form of a salary two times base salary when they have the title of professor or professional instructor. Teachers, educators flocked to achieve award status and tersbut without thinking "What they deserve mendaptkan tersbut thing?".
Not a few of some of the teachers who have obtained such status through a predetermined procedure. But society stout anxious to see the reality of teachers who have gained status as a professional teacher did not show any significant change to the development of their learners. Call it makes the learning they are not experts there who can not even make a learning device altogether.
System passing judgment or determination of the National Exam is also the problem that is no less important. Given the determination of graduation is no longer only determined by the National Exam but also affected the learning outcomes of the students in their respective schools by looking at their report card grades. Because the teacher embarrassed when their students do not pass the ditempu all means so that their students pass. Principal shy, Head of shame, embarrassment Regents and Governor embarrassed when the territory they govern many of their students who did not pass so that they also provide cues so that the students can graduate with the term "beautiful Main".
Want dikemanakan this country? Because they are embarrassed, so take all means in order to get proper appreciation no matter what sin they have done. Shame culture is very necessary to be preserved but shame on where it should not is really inappropriate acts committed by the persons who work in education. As educators perbanyaklah Istigfarkarena sins we have committed not least, do not let perpetual charity (Science useful) that you expect from even the opposite occurs mengjar Jariyah Sin (Sin hereditary you teach).
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