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Selasa, 22 September 2015

The word Motivation for Students and Students

The word Motivation for Students and Students

    1. "Education is the most important weapon in the world, because with it we can change the world"
    2. "If you educate a man, then a man will be educated. But if you educate a woman, a generation will be educated "
    3 "Education is a ticket to the future.
    4. "Education is not filling the empty container. Education is a fire thought process "
    5.. "The aim of the study is continuing to grow. Intellect is not the same as the body, the mind continues to grow as long as we live "
    6.. "True knowledge is not measured by how much you memorize and how much you are able to explain, but, true knowledge is an expression of piety (to protect themselves from what God forbids and act upon what God has mandated)
    7.. "The school or college does not teach what should we think of in this life. They teach us how to think logically, analytically and practically. "
    8 .. "Never stop to keep learning, because of learned you never run out of mind."
    9.."Seseorang with insight enough to admit its shortcomings are closest to perfection."
    10. You think of yourself as a piece of material alone, whereas in you stored the unlimited power "

Jumat, 04 September 2015

Articles on Education Indonesia


Articles on Education Indonesia

Indonesian education begun considered by the government, the government has seriously address the issue of education in Indonesia. Proven than 20% of the budget intended for the benefit of education. We should offer our praise and thanks to God Almighty for it.

Nowadays education in several regions in Indonesia have menjalangkan free education. This had a positive impact, especially for people who have low levels of the economy. They can already taste the world of education once for each person is considered expensive and the phenomenon and paradigm that education belongs only to the rich, the poor are prohibited from school.

Education in Indonesia is a polimik that will not go out. Currently, many agencies are satirical and question "Do welfare provided by the government in the field of education is directly proportional to the expected results?".

For educators who meet the qualifications awarded in the form of a salary two times base salary when they have the title of professor or professional instructor. Teachers, educators flocked to achieve award status and tersbut without thinking "What they deserve mendaptkan tersbut thing?".
Not a few of some of the teachers who have obtained such status through a predetermined procedure. But society stout anxious to see the reality of teachers who have gained status as a professional teacher did not show any significant change to the development of their learners. Call it makes the learning they are not experts there who can not even make a learning device altogether.

System passing judgment or determination of the National Exam is also the problem that is no less important. Given the determination of graduation is no longer only determined by the National Exam but also affected the learning outcomes of the students in their respective schools by looking at their report card grades. Because the teacher embarrassed when their students do not pass the ditempu all means so that their students pass. Principal shy, Head of shame, embarrassment Regents and Governor embarrassed when the territory they govern many of their students who did not pass so that they also provide cues so that the students can graduate with the term "beautiful Main".

Want dikemanakan this country? Because they are embarrassed, so take all means in order to get proper appreciation no matter what sin they have done. Shame culture is very necessary to be preserved but shame on where it should not is really inappropriate acts committed by the persons who work in education. As educators perbanyaklah Istigfarkarena sins we have committed not least, do not let perpetual charity (Science useful) that you expect from even the opposite occurs mengjar Jariyah Sin (Sin hereditary you teach).

Funny story Thrush

Funny story Thrush

After the road way, Udin, entered the yard of a home meal. He was starving. He saw there is still one place empty, he directly approached the waitress to order food. A few minutes later came the order and without a long wait he immediately eat the meal. Eating fun again, came a beautiful girl. His face was oriental, Wear shorts. Because

The easiest flowers planted and cared for

1.Flower Buget

Jasmine flower is one of the most famous in Indonesia. Even one type of jasmine, white Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) is set as the national flower of Indonesia together with Rafflesia arnoldii and orchids month. With jasmine flowers are white and fragrant flower to be one of the most stubborn and easy maintenance. This herbaceous plant does not require special care. Can be planted in the yard or in pots. Caution is needed only by doing occasional pruning to control size of the plants. 

Easy Ways to Overcome slepp at work

Easy Ways to Overcome slepp at work

1.Sleep enough

2. Drinking Glass of Water

3. Face Wash

4. Drinking Coffee or Tea

5.Istirahat moment

Caring for Computer / Laptop To Stay Durability And Not Damaged:

Caring for Computer / Laptop To Stay Durability And Not Damaged:

1. Clean Computer CPU
2. Do not Use Internet Time Rain
3. Turn System Restore Computers

how to control the computer dg cmd

how to control the computer dg cmd

One of the most powerful arms of the Hacker is the Command Prompt, believe do not believe the default Windows tool may be the same point at Remote Executor, FTP Manager, etc. but the difference is based CUI (Code User Interface) if Remote Executor, FTP Manager mostly based GUI (Graphical User Interface) that is as easy as click-clack-clack-click etc.In this article I will give a tutorial to control other people's computers with Command Prompt.Conditions, are:1. We & Pc Pc targets are equally being connect to the internet2. We & Pc Pc targets using the same Windows OSDefine your target IP, and Start the CMD by:==== Start> Run ===> CMDThen type the following command:cd c: \ [enter]C: \> net use \\ ip_target [enter]if no informationthe command completly succesfully, more ...C: \> net use K: \\ ip_target \ c $ [enter]if no informationthe command completly succesfully, more ...After Successful Direct Open My Computer youit will show drive Drive C K's where the target is locatedIf you want Meremoth Drive D simply replace the code net use K: \\ ip_target \ c $ be a net use K: \\ ip_target \ d $Posted by Roni Arya Wijaya at 4:00Email ThisBlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to FacebookBagikan to Pinterest

10 tips you need to do when going / driving your car to the highway:

10 tips you need to do when going / driving your car to the highway:

1. The first thing of course carry out checks on the vehicle of your car. such as checking the brake fluid, tire pressure, check the indicator lights, check underneath the vehicle of an oil leak and so on. The point is make sure you have enough car condition primed for a run.

2. Driving a car with excessive load is certainly not good, besides disturbing the balance will also be a waste of fuel, for it should move the various items that are less important than in your vehicle.

3. Use the seat belt (safety belt) properly, by crossed from the shoulder to the hip bone, thus the weight of your body can be well preserved in case of collision or sudden jerk.

4. Position the devices rearview well inside and outside so you can see freely the various positions of the car body and the circumstances surrounding it freely. For the invisible, try to turn his head like a time when you need to change lanes or turn around.

5. We recommend that you hold the steering wheel in accordance with the procedure, which is ideally position the hand grip at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock and use your fingers when it is necessary to turn on the lights turn or wiper.

6. Focus on driving the car, remove the various thoughts that distract you drive. Various activities also need to be abandoned disrupt such as smoking, or call, if indeed it is indeed necessary to be done, you should first pull over or use a hands-free phone for easy communication.

7. Keep a safe distance, both left and right side, and next to other vehicles to avoid sudden circumstances, because of the size of the space / distance you would anticipate.

8. Even if your car has supported environmentally friendly technology, do gear shift transmissions at 2,000 rpm up to 2,500 rpm. Because the gasoline engine generally only work optimally in the swivel range 2000-2500 rpm

9. Do the various tricks safe fuel efficiency, such as lifting set foot on the gas pedal first, and let the car slide before you hit the brakes when going cornering.

10. Switch off the engine if you stop or pull over for more than 1 minute, because the car's engine living in a state of rest for 3 minutes tantamount like a car engine to travel 1 hour at an average speed of 50 km / h.

How to quickly open the Windows application progam

How to quickly open the Windows application progam

1. Right-click on a shortcut program / application that is in the front of the computer desktop or start menu (eg Avira antivirus shortcut).

2. Select "Properties" at the bottom by means of clicking on it once.

3. Then in the tabulation "Shortcut" in the "Shortcut Key" button type any letter or number. Then click the "Ok" or "Apply".

4. Thus, a quick way to open a program / application has been created and is ready for use.

5. To run the program that has made rapid activation is to press three keys at the same time. The key is Crtl, Alt and the selected option button when filling out the form "Shortcut Key" before.

6. Suppose you create a shortcut opener Avira program with the A button, then to run the program Avira is by pressing Ctrl, Alt and A simultaneously.

Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

How to Create GIF Animation With Photoshop

How to Create GIF Animation With Photoshop

1. Open Adobe Photoshop and select window> animation until the animation frame at the bottom of photoshop.animation_frame2. Create a new layer that contains the image you want to be animated, made its appearance sequence of layers per layer. Here IDS provide examples of images of traffic lights.3.Atur layer in accordance with the concept of the animated GIF you want to make.4.Tentukan number of frames in the animation box frame, and each frame is synchronized with the image visible. To select which image will appear, click the eye on the left layer.Examples such as the two pictures below. Frame in the first image is only visible picture traffic lights and red dots, because only these two layers are shown, marked with the eye icon to the left of the layer. The same method was also used in the frame of the 2nd darn next.If you want the animation we'll transparent, stay disabling the eye icon in the background layer in all frames of animation.5.Tentukan the duration of each frame by clicking on the second duration (sec) under each frame. So that the animation moves endlessly, the animation must be set forever in the lower left corner of the column. But if you want to move one time, select once.6. After all the frames in accordance with the wishes, click play to see how your work moving GIF. If it is appropriate to store using save for web and devices (CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S), choose the GIF format and then click save.



You would be happy to see someone smile than someone who grim. A smile is indeed an attraction that can make a person grow sweet and approachable.



To be able to function optimally, the body needs complete nutrition. Food is a supplier of nutrients for the body. Based on its function, food can be grouped into carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015



1. Monitor
Monitor adalah sebuah perangkat keras yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan hasil pemerosesan yang dilakukan oleh komputer berupa informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh orang yang memakai komputer.



1. Keyboard
Keyboard adalah sebuah perangkat masukan yang digunakan untuk memasukan data berupa huruf, angka maupun symbol tertentu serta melakukan perintah-perintah untuk menyimpan file dan membuka file. Keyboard disebut juga sebagai papan ketik pada komputer.